Internet marketing
Woodpecker.co - review, Cold Mailing tool

Woodpecker.co - review, Cold Mailing tool

Woodpecker.co - review, Cold Mailing tool

Finding the right tool for email marketing or communicating with leads and business partners can be a challenge. There are many professional solutions on the market, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. One of the most recommended systems for automating mailings is Woodpecker. With it, you can forget about manually sending emails to hundreds of recipients and enjoy the benefits of automation. I encourage you to read the review and opinions on Woodpecker.co.

Table of contents

What is Woodpecker

Woodpecker is an advanced SaaS-based mailing system that automates the emailing process. What sets Woodpecker apart from other platforms is its ability to personalize content and create dedicated mailing scenarios.

In addition, it provides detailed reporting, allowing you to track open and response rates so you can tailor your content to your audience. With an intuitive interface, managing subscriber bases becomes simple and efficient.

Woodpecker is not only a messaging tool, but also a support for building business relationships and conducting effective email marketing. Its use contributes to increasing revenue and acquiring new customers through effective communication with recipients, especially in the context of cold mailing.

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Woodpecker - price list

Woodpecker has so far been available in two packages, but now you can personalize it to fully meet your needs. You now have the option to choose from three packages:

Woodpecker - price list

Each package offers the opportunity to test for 7 days and send 50 messages. When you match your subscription, remember:

  • Choosing the number of potential customers you will send messages to - this affects the monthly cost of the service.
  • Access to advanced features such as IF parameters and A/B testing (advanced campaigns).
  • Capabilities to use APIs and integrate with other platforms, such as CRMs and Calendly - at an additional cost of $20.
  • In the Sales Assistant package, you also get automation of activities on LinkedIn, SMS messaging and support for phone contacts.
  • An agency panel can be a beneficial option, especially if you are running a cold mailing campaign for clients.

The simplest package costs $25 with an annual payment, and the full package with unlimited messages and access to all options is only $56. Therefore, there is something suitable for everyone.

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How does the system work? Functionalities of the system

All employees in charge of customer acquisition can use the Woodpecker system to conduct mailing campaigns themselves. The system's interface resembles a traditional email inbox, making it intuitive and easy to use.

Woodpecker's main features include:

  1. Automate messaging to create automated emails and follow-ups for specific groups of recipients.
  2. Personalization of content, which allows you to tailor messages to specific audiences, even through the most detailed information.
  3. Integration with various mail clients, such as Gmail and Outlook.
  4. Security at the highest level, ensured by the use of various safeguards, such as verification of e-mails before sending and detection of duplicates.
  5. Filter customer and business partner data, allowing you to fine-tune your audience for a given campaign.
  6. The ability to create and execute campaigns and individual dispatches by all company employees.
  7. Access detailed statistics on open rates, response rates, click-through rates and campaign progress.
  8. Import data from various formats, such as Excel or CSV files, and edit the downloaded data directly in the system.

With these functionalities, Woodpecker enables you to run mailing campaigns efficiently and personalized, increasing your chances of winning new customers and business partners.

Woodpecker - how to get started?

To use the test account, simply fill out a short registration form and confirm your email address. After logging into your test account, you will be guided through a clear step-by-step tutorial that will introduce you to the tool's features and capabilities.

The first step you need to take is to add an email address that will be used to send messages. You can add a GMail (the company's GSuite), Office365 and Exchange account. If you have an account with another provider, you can still integrate using IMAP or via SMTP.

Step one of registering with Woodpecker

Once you enter your email address, Woodpecker automatically sends you a test message. After successful verification, all you have to do is add a footer, which will be included in the messages you send. By using your own e-mail address, you increase the chances of getting directly to the recipient's main mailbox, bypassing the SPAM folder.

For G Suite users, copying the footer is easy. Just go to Settings > Signature and copy the current footer. Everything, except the colors, will be copied. Alternatively, you can paste the footer in HTML format.

Step two of registering with Woodpecker

Integration of the Woodpecker tool with email

Integration with email is very simple and requires following a few simple steps. The important thing is that the mailing system can be configured with any mailbox using the IMAP protocol. In addition, there are ready-made configurations for popular platforms such as Gmail, Office 365 and Microsoft Exchange.

woodpecker dodanie srzynki
In most cases, the "Automatic connection" option will suffice

The setup process is simple and intuitive. After entering the necessary data, you will be asked to complete the basic information, although you don't have to do it right away - you can return to this step at any time.

Once our email address is added to the mailing system, we will receive a test message. After successful verification, we can add a footer that will be automatically attached to each message we send.

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First emailing campaign on Woodpecker.co - step-by-step instructions

During the trial period, you have the option to send a maximum of 150 messages, including both initial emails and follow-ups. If you use the 30-day free trial, you can send as many as 500 messages.

To start your first email campaign, you must first prepare a list of recipients. You can add addresses manually using the "Add manually" option or import them from a CSV or XLSX/XLS (Excel sheet) file. You create the list of recipients in the "Prospects" section.

Importing data usually doesn't take long, but it's worth having a file prepared

Now we can start planning our first email campaign. Just go to the "Campaigns" tab, which you will find in the upper left corner of the interface. There we give the campaign an appropriate title. It is worth noting that the addressees do not see this title, so we can confidently customize it to our needs.

tworzenie wiadomosci w narzędziu woodpecker
Here we set the content of the first message, the number of dispatches per day, and the times and days of dispatches.

In this area, you can also choose which specific email account to send messages from (you can connect more than one account). In this tab, you can also set what content to include in the e-mails you send. We can freely customize each message by adding user fields such as name, company name, city, etc.

In addition to the first "welcome" message, the test version of Woodpecker also allows you to schedule as many as seven follow-ups. Each of these messages can be precisely scheduled in terms of when to send them. If the recipient responds to any of the messages, the sequence of follow-ups will automatically stop.

We add additional conditions and more emails, or follow'ups. Done.

After running the first campaign, we can review its statistics. How to do it? We go to the "Campaigns" section and select the campaign we are interested in. There we will be taken to a detailed panel with data, presented in a clear and graphic form. Woodpecker provides information on the number of messages sent, the number of contacts in the database, the percentage of incorrect email addresses, the open rate and the response rate.

The most important from the user's point of view is the response rate. The program precisely indicates which contacts have responded to our correspondence. This allows us to move active recipients to a separate group and prepare personalized messages for them, such as thanks for taking advantage of the offer or discount codes for future purchases.

statystyki w systemie mailingowymi
Clear and understandable appearance of key statistics

Woodpecker available integrations

Woodpecker offers integration with eighteen different tools, covering the most popular CRMs, prospecting platforms and webinar tools. However, if you can't find the integration you want, there's no need to worry. With platforms such as Zapier, PieSync, Integromat and Integrately, you can still seamlessly integrate Woodpecker with existing tools in your suite.

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Woodpecker - Calendly integration

I recently installed a new integration with one of my favorite tools - Calendly! With Calendly, I can conveniently schedule appointments with potential clients, and I allow my clients to choose the date that best suits them. Now Woodpecker tracks appointments in Calendly. When a potential client schedules an appointment, Woodpecker automatically puts another follow-up on hold. This really makes it easier for me to manage my customer contact and conduct effective sales activities.

Woodpecker feedback and review

Woodpecker is an excellent email automation tool that stands out for its intuitiveness and ease of use. With it, you can save a lot of time while effectively running mailing campaigns.

If you want to test Woodpecker, you can use the free 30-day trial version from our affiliate referral. It only takes a moment to integrate with your mailbox, and then you can enjoy all the program's features.

Users also have access to detailed statistics on the effectiveness of their campaigns. In addition, the messages are sent from the user's mail, which avoids cataloging them as an offer. And if for some reason you decide to cancel Woodpecker, you can do so at any time without worrying about the consequences.

The only drawback is the lack of a Polish language version, but it's worth noting that support also works in Polish. Woodpecker reviews are very positive, which proves that it is worth giving this system a chance.

Woodpecker blog – knowledge of e-mail marketing

The company stands out not only for its great email marketing tool, but also for its high-quality blog. On their site you will find many valuable articles on communicating with potential customers and technical tips. It's an excellent source of knowledge about both the tool itself and its potential for sales and customer contact. If you want to explore the topic of email marketing in more depth, be sure to check out their blog, available at this link: Woodpecker Blog (https://woodpecker.co/blog).

Woodpecker Academy – free cold mailing training

The company has launched an innovative project called Woodpecker Academy, offering free cold mailing training. This educational platform includes rich materials on email marketing. The first course focuses on cold mailing techniques and includes 5 comprehensive lessons. Participants will learn how to effectively develop a cold mailing strategy, build databases, create campaigns and take care of email deliverability. This free mailing course includes 29 videos and more than 50 additional educational materials. We invite you to learn more about Woodpecker Academy (https://woodpecker.co/academy/).

Free mailing system - Woodpecker trail.

If you're wondering if Woodpecker is the right email system for you, you have a chance to test the tool for 30 days, completely free. During the trial version you can send as many as 150 messages, which will allow you to form an opinion about its functionality and usability.

The free trial period begins only when you send your first message as part of a cold mailing campaign. You also don't need to provide debit or credit card information to set up a free trial account with the mailing system. This is an ideal opportunity to test Woodpecker without any financial commitment.