What is Newsletter

What is Newsletter

A newsletter, or newsletter, is an electronic form of communication that is the modern equivalent of a traditional paper subscription. Unlike classic newspapers, the newsletter reaches readers online, sent to the e-mail address they have previously provided. Its content can include information about current promotions, sales, discount codes, new products, as well as provide a variety of information related to a particular subject area.

Table of Contents:

What a proper Newsletter looks like

We customize the newsletter content according to our own needs and the intentions we want to achieve. The main structure of the newsletter includes elements such as image, headlines, content, buttons and styles that give the whole thing an attractive look. The following elements are worth taking care of:

  1. A distinctive, attention-grabbing message title - motivating the recipient to open the email.
  2. Personalized messaging, such as “Hello Eve!” - using personalized phrases allows you to quickly build a relationship with users.
  3. Appropriate graphic design tailored to the transmitted content.
  4. An inviting link or clear CTA button placed in an easily visible location.

See also What is a CTA

How to make a good Newsletter?

If we wish to systematically send messages to our users, it is possible to use a plug-in that will be compatible with our website. In the event that the configuration of a plug-in is not available or convenient for us, alternatively we can consult a programmer who will customize this functionality to meet our needs. Another solution is to use external platforms that offer specialized services in this regard.

What to keep in mind when creating a Newsletter

When preparing a newsletter, pay attention to:

  1. Creative and engaging title: Plan the title so that it stands out from other messages, encouraging people to open the email. If it's information about a promotion, use specific details, such as “Promotion! - 20% on Christmas items.”
  2. Content tailored to the recipient: Write directly to the customer, thinking about his expectations and how you can help him. Design your message to meet his requirements.
  3. Appropriate length: Avoid overly long content by focusing on specific information. Provide details through a CTA button, leading to a specific post or offer.
  4. Clear layout: Simple and clear graphics will emphasize relevant information, making it easier for the recipient to understand the message. Avoid excess elements to avoid distractions.
  5. Systematicity of mailing: Schedule a consistent day for sending emails, informing about news, promotions or blog posts. Constant contact with customers builds lasting relationships.
  6. Plan and clearly position the CTA: Place the call to action in a prominent place, using content that matches the message. Example CTAs: “Read the article!”, “Learn more!”, “Explore the details!”.
  7. Responsiveness: make sure the email displays correctly on both desktops and mobile devices. Proper layout increases the appeal and readability of the message.

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Email marketing newsletter - a sales tool

This is an effective tool for building brand awareness and maintaining lasting relationships with recipients. Personalized notifications of benefits, such as free delivery or exclusive promotions for subscribers, have the potential to increase sales and improve brand perception.

However, it is worth remembering the principle of “moderation,” as sending messages too often may be considered intrusive. The key is to send only relevant information, which contributes to the gradual expansion of our subscriber base.

With the collected email addresses, we can also expand the audience through other advertising channels, such as Facebook Ads and Google Ads.

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Does one pay for a newsletter?

Most newsletters, sent to an e-mail address, are available free of charge and based on voluntary participation. Users choose to receive these messages in exchange for sharing their personal information.

When launching a newsletter system, it is important to obtain consent from users for our company to process their personal data. This is usually done by checking the appropriate checkbox with the information clause regarding the processing of personal data, in accordance with the provisions of the RODO.

See what marketing automation is

Are your emails going into SPAM? How do you deal with it?

The study shows that more than 21% of e-mails sent end up in the spam folder. What could be the reason for this? Here are 6 key reasons:

  1. Marking messages as SPAM by recipients: Some recipients may manually mark messages as spam, which affects filtering algorithms.
  2. Address “From” senders: Some sender addresses may be considered suspicious or unreliable by spam filters.
  3. Blacklist presence: The sender or its mail server may be blacklisted, which automatically directs emails to spam.
  4. Special characters in the message subject line: The use of special characters in the email subject line can be interpreted as an attempt to circumvent spam filtering.
  5. Linking to low-quality internal domains: Linking to low-quality domains in the body of an e-mail can cause it to be classified as spam.
  6. Sales-type words in the content: Using words considered to be aggressive advertising in the body of an e-mail can lead to the message being classified as spam.

How to check if emails go to spam? Perform manual tests:

Example: If you want to make sure your emails don't go to spam, send your creative messages to several friends using different email platforms (e.g. wp, o2, gmail, interia). If any of your attempts end up in spam, check that you followed the above guidelines.

To provide adequate infrastructure:

  • Customize connection and bandwidth settings for each mail provider.
  • Use standard authentication or digital message signing technology.
  • Enter the excerpt link in the message headers.
  • Use the TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption standard to avoid messages being marked as corrupted, especially on platforms such as Gmail.

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8 steps to create your own Newsletter

Before you start working on your newsletter, it's a good idea to check that you have all the necessary information to create it. It's also crucial to define the subject line and the target audience you are targeting with your message. Here is a brief overview of the key aspects involved in creating a newsletter.

Purpose of creating the Newsletter

The main goal of creating a newsletter is to recruit new customers and increase sales. Before you start the process of creating the message, it is worthwhile to precisely define the audience you want to reach. The content of the newsletter you send out should vary slightly, depending on whether it is addressed to an individual audience (B2C) or is part of a B2B business communication.

Language of communication

It's worth remembering to vary your approach to communication language depending on your target audience. Adapting your tone and style to your audience is key. If you are targeting industry professionals who use professional jargon, use appropriate vocabulary. For audiences less familiar with industry terminology, make your message clear and accessible by using light and understandable wording.

Content and graphic design

When designing a newsletter, the key question is the form of the message - whether it should be graphic or mainly text-based. After determining the target group, we can begin to create an initial draft of the content. In the case of sending to individual recipients, it is worth considering a graphic form, while for a business group I suggest using an attractive text presentation varied with expressive visual elements. Most recipients process visual information more efficiently, so a creative design will catch their attention and be memorable.

It is worth focusing on a few key elements of any newsletter:

  • Headline,
  • The main content, presented in an attractive way,
  • Footer.

Content and image - How to do it without making a mistake?

Focusing on the compatibility of content and images is a key aspect when creating a newsletter, but it's also where common mistakes are made. One of the most common is misaligning the size of images with the overall concept of the newsletter. While graphics have their advantages, their improper use can be counterproductive. It's worth remembering that many Polish mail providers automatically block the loading of graphic messages, giving the user the option to decide whether to play them. What does this look like in practice?

After receiving a graphic message, the user may only see alternative text or even miss it. In addition, messages containing a single graphic are more likely to end up in the spam folder, which can result in an increased frequency of such classification. It's also worth noting that the size of such newsletters often exceeds acceptable limits, which can lead to stopping the mailing to the recipient.

kreacja mailingowa
Mailing creation template - KS.pl

Shipping system

When choosing a system for sending newsletters, there are a few key elements to pay attention to. Here's what you need to check:

  1. Customization: At the initial stage, when you are just starting to use emailing, it is worth considering a free option. Some systems offer free mailing to a certain number of subscribers and number of messages per month.
  2. Ease of use: Make sure the system you choose is intuitive and easy to use. A user-friendly interface will make work easier and reduce learning time.
  3. Libraries of responsive templates: Good mailing systems have their own resources of free, responsive templates that you can use to create compelling messages.
  4. Marketing automation capability: if you plan to use marketing automation tools, make sure the system you choose offers this functionality.
  5. Audience base management: Verify that the system allows you to effectively manage your subscriber base, which is crucial for effective email marketing.
  6. Additional tools: Features such as pop-ups, landing pages and template creators will be useful to assist with various aspects of an email campaign.
  7. CMS integrations: if you use content management systems such as WordPress or PrestaShop, check whether the system you choose integrates with them.
  8. High-end IP addresses: ensuring dispatch from reputable IP addresses is key to maintaining a good reputation and avoiding difficulties with message deliverability.
  9. A/B testing and effectiveness analysis: Ultimately, make sure the system allows A/B testing, offers tools to check messages for SPAM, and provides analysis of campaign effectiveness.

Subject e-mail

When creating an email subject line, it is worth considering whether it should be short or long, more concise or elaborate, or perhaps better to provide only basic information. Another question, is it worth using emoji in the email subject line? These are three key questions that are sure to come to mind when planning the content of your message.

It turns out that short topics are opened more often than their longer counterparts. Sometimes just two words are enough to pique the interest of your audience. If you're worried that you can't fit your entire message into a short subject line, you can put the rest of the information in a preheader (what a preheader is, see below for an explanation). A friendly and personalized approach, such as using the recipient's name and a number, can further enhance the appeal of the subject line.

As for the use of emoji in message topics, it is worth doing so in moderation and in accordance with the topic. In addition, it depends on the audience you are targeting with your message. In some industries, the use of emoji may be perceived as unprofessional.

If you are still in doubt about which theme will perform better in a given situation, it is worth conducting A/B tests. With them, you can verify which theme performs better, allowing you to choose a more effective solution.

Above the fold area

The area visible without scrolling (above the fold) in an email message includes what we see as soon as we open the email. Clear and straightforward messages should be placed in this area.

Make sure the logo and company name are clearly visible in the first view.

In this part of the message, it is a good idea to avoid excessive content. Above the fold should be readable and clear to the recipient, eliminating unnecessary elements that could distract the user from the key information contained in the newsletter.

The location of the Call to Action button in a prominent area is also important. Calls to action should be simple and clear, such as “Check out the details!”, “Learn more!”, “Read the article!”, etc.

Newsletter shipping time

In terms of the time and date of the mailing, it is worth considering whether the target audience is individual customers or perhaps businesses. As for the first group, afternoon hours are often the optimal time to send an email. For companies, the beginning of the week may be a better choice, when there is a better chance of reaching a key decision-maker, given the scheduled activities for the week.

Market segmentation

Market segmentation is a precise definition that includes different groups of customers, taking into account their interests and preferences. The main purpose of this process is to understand precisely how engaged and interested specific customers are in a particular product or service. This activity enables accurate analysis and the identification of effective marketing strategies.

The segmentation process usually unfolds in stages. At first, a potential customer is placed in a general group, and then, based on his needs and behavior, he is assigned to more specific segments. These more specific groups, responding to specific activities, bring greater financial benefits to the company. With this approach, we can better tailor our marketing activities and target them according to the precise needs of individual customer segments.