What is dropshipping

What is dropshipping

Are you thinking of starting to sell online, but you are limited by the lack of a large amount of capital? Or would you like to try out your e-commerce business without incurring high storage costs? Dropshipping may be the right option for you. But what is dropshipping? It's a logistics strategy that allows you to significantly reduce the initial expenses that are usually necessary when setting up an online store in the conventional way. What's more, it eliminates the need to buy and store inventory, as customer orders are fulfilled directly by the supplier you interact with. Keep in mind, however, that dropshipping is not an easy way to make a quick profit. It's a business venture that requires a commitment of time and investment in marketing.

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What is dropshipping

The term dropshipping is a business model used in retail, where online stores do not directly handle inventory management or shipping. In practice, this means that an entrepreneur running an online store does not store the products sold or have physical contact with them. His main task is to attract customers to the site and generate sales. Once a customer makes a purchase, the merchant forwards the order details to a third-party supplier with whom he works under contract. This supplier is responsible for picking and shipping the product directly to the buyer. The key point is that payment for the goods in the dropshipping model occurs after the store sells them, rather than at the time the goods are purchased from the supplier. The supplier in this arrangement can be a manufacturer, wholesaler or other retailer.

The difference between dropshipping and the traditional retail model lies in the lack of need for a warehouse and the associated infrastructure and personnel to handle orders. Dropshipping also changes the relationship between sellers and suppliers - instead of buying and reselling products, sellers pass orders to suppliers, who fulfill them on behalf of the seller. The lack of inventory storage makes dropshipping a solution exclusively for e-commerce businesses, rather than traditional stationary stores.

How dropshipping works

How does dropshipping work? The operation of the dropshipping model can be summarized according to the following sequence of actions:

  1. The consumer makes a purchase on your e-commerce site.
  2. The amount for the purchase is credited to your bank account.
  3. Then, often through an automated system, you transmit the order details to the cooperating wholesaler, making payment for the product, but with your profit already deducted.
  4. The wholesaler receives the order information from you.
  5. The sourcing agent then takes care of picking and shipping the product directly to the customer, acting on your behalf.
  6. Eventually, the product will reach the end customer.

This process eliminates the need for the retailer to physically have goods in stock and allows the retailer to focus on promoting the store and managing sales, while minimizing the risks associated with excess inventory.

Popularity of dropshipping

Dropshipping sales model is gaining popularity

The latest market analysis indicates that the value of the global dropshipping market is expected to reach $196.78 billion in 2022, and the market is also expected to experience rapid growth in the following years, surpassing $200 billion in 2023 and reaching over $300 billion in 2024.

Polish entrepreneurs who manage an online store using the dropshipping model are not forced to limit their sales activity to their own website only. It is possible to expand their sales reach to popular auction platforms such as Allegro or OLX, as well as to use price comparison sites, such as Ceneo, or to conduct sales through a Facebook store. In addition, they have the option to enter international markets through global marketplaces such as Amazon or eBay.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of dropshipping?

Advantages of the dropshipping model

This way of selling makes it easier to get started in the e-commerce industry. Here are some reasons why dropshipping is growing in popularity among both newcomers and more experienced businessmen.

Low entry threshold to start a dropshipping business

Minimal start-up capital required is the main advantage of the dropshipping model, which allows you to get an easy start in e-commerce. It allows you to open an online store without investing large sums in inventory, warehousing, hiring staff or other operating costs. Dropshipping eliminates the need to purchase goods upfront - you pay for a product only when a customer places an order through your site.

In addition, this model relieves you of the responsibilities associated with:

  • rental of storage space,
  • packing and shipping of goods,
  • stock monitoring,
  • managing returns and deliveries,
  • Stock ordering and storage.

Ease of scaling

The dropshipping model makes it easier to scale the business quickly and efficiently compared to classic e-commerce, where business growth often involves soaring infrastructure costs. In the traditional e-commerce model, increasing the number of orders usually requires additional labor, hiring new employees, renting a warehouse and incurring other additional costs. In the dropshipping model, on the other hand, it is the cooperating wholesaler who takes over most of the tasks involved in handling additional orders, including post-purchase customer service. This means that as the scale of the business grows, the costs associated with it increase at a slower pace, allowing resources to be more focused on promotion, acquiring new customers and optimizing the site to drive further sales growth.

Ease of management

Easy-to-use management is one of the distinct advantages of dropshipping. Not having to deal with typical responsibilities like hiring staff to handle orders or renting warehouse space makes it easier for you to administer your business. Once you've chosen the right wholesaler, integrated your online store with the dropshipping system and properly configured your processes, your main task becomes managing your e-commerce site and marketing activities to promote your store's offerings.


Flexibility is another key advantage of dropshipping. With no need for physical inventory, a business based on this model can be run from virtually anywhere in the world where there is Internet access. Maintaining seamless communication with suppliers and customers is key, allowing you to effectively manage your business from any location. Many successful dropshipping businesses operate from the comfort of home. This model also offers the freedom to manage your assortment - you can easily add new products to your offerings and remove those that are unpopular or low in profit.

Test opportunities and a wide range

One of the main advantages of dropshipping is the ability to offer a wide range of products without having to invest in inventory first. Thus, as a dropshipper, you can flexibly adjust the offer of your online store, responding to current trends and customer preferences. The ability to add new products without incurring additional costs is key - you can easily include new products from suppliers, often receiving notifications about the availability of new items.

The dropshipping model also serves as a valuable tool for owners of classic e-commerce stores interested in testing consumer interest in new product categories, such as accessories or innovative product lines, without the risks associated with investing in large quantities of merchandise.

No need for inventory management

Not having inventory also means not having to manage it. You don't have to deal with organizing or monitoring inventory, which is often a complex and time-consuming process. While there are inventory management programs that can streamline this process, in a dropshipping model this issue falls away completely.

Disadvantages of dropshipping

Like any business model, dropshipping carries certain disadvantages and risks of using third-party suppliers to ship products. While advantages such as convenience, flexible management capabilities and time savings are important, they also come with some costs.

High competition

The low barrier to entry in the dropshipping model makes it easy for many sellers to start a business in this model, leading to intense competition. If a vendor does not have exclusive contracts with suppliers to sell specific products, it may find that many competitors offer identical goods.

The lack of a physical warehouse and limitations on access to unique products can make it difficult to differentiate from other players in the industry. In this situation, retailers must look for alternative methods to differentiate themselves in the market, such as providing exceptional customer service or creating valuable content that will attract attention and build loyalty among consumers.

Low quality products

Before you decide to work with a particular supplier, it's a good idea to purchase their products anonymously. After all, you wouldn't want to start working with a company that provides low-quality products to your customers. Therefore, it is crucial that you choose a supplier that guarantees quality goods.

Complicated shipping process

When you choose to work with multiple suppliers, which is typical of the dropshipping model, the fulfillment of orders in your online store will depend on different wholesalers to deliver individual products. This leaves you without full control over the delivery process.

For example, if a customer orders four different products, each from a different supplier, you will have to cover the shipping costs for each of these items separately, with no way to pass these additional expenses directly to the customer. While covering these costs may seem economically sound, automating this financial process can be complicated. Moreover, each wholesaler may have different order processing and invoicing policies. To minimize potential complications at the start, consider keeping the number of cooperating suppliers to a minimum, preferably to one.

Lack of personalization and branding options

In the dropshipping model, unlike direct cooperation with manufacturers, the opportunities to influence the product are limited. Products offered through dropshipping usually carry the supplier's brand and are already pre-designed.

Although some suppliers may allow you to apply your own brand to products, in practice the wholesaler has the final say on their final appearance. Introducing any modifications or personalization often involves placing an order for a minimum specified quantity of goods to make it a profitable operation for the manufacturer. Additionally, running a dropshipping business can be a challenge in terms of creating and developing your own brand.

Impeded customer service

Even the most reputable supplier in the dropshipping model can occasionally make a mistake in processing an order - mistakes for which you, as a store owner, will have to take responsibility and offer an apology to the customer. In a traditional e-commerce model, you have the ability to respond directly to customer complaints about product quality, delivery times or return procedures, offering immediate solutions. With dropshipping, resolving problems usually requires contacting the wholesaler to clarify the situation.

When deciding on dropshipping, it is worthwhile to carefully analyze various suppliers. Some of them may make attractive promises that are not always fulfilled. For your business to be profitable, customer satisfaction is key.

Low margin

This challenge becomes even more significant when operating in a highly competitive sector. Struggling for customer interest, it can be a challenge to make the expected profits, especially in the early stages of the business. The amount of profit you make will be based on the prices you set and the number of transactions you complete. Wholesale prices are often based on the average value of monthly transactions. An increase in website traffic and the number of orders may prompt the wholesaler to offer goods at lower prices, allowing you to set higher margins. When choosing a supplier, it's a good idea to ask about a price range to suit different levels of order values. Also, don't forget that a store's ability to generate online depends largely on the effectiveness of marketing efforts to attract customers.

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Dropshipping - how to get started and how to make money from dropshipping?

How to start selling in dropshipping - dropshipping step by step

The decision to open your own e-shop may seem complicated, but thanks to the numerous presence of wholesalers offering dropshipping cooperation on the Polish market, setting up a business in this online sales model is quite simple. However, before launching an online store and officially starting your business, it's important to think carefully about a few key aspects: what products you want to offer, who your target customers will be, how your potential competitors operate, and which supplier is worth partnering with. Here are some preliminary steps to help you get started in dropshipping:

Find your niche

Choose your specialty

The first step is to determine your specialty and target audience. The market offers countless opportunities, and choosing the right range of products to sell online can contribute significantly to your success. Standing out from the numerous dropshipping businesses requires a precise definition of your niche.

Before deciding on an assortment, consider the following factors:

Identify your passions and interests. Being knowledgeable about the products you offer can make it easier to manage your business and accelerate your position as an expert in your field. However, interest is not the only factor.

E-commerce market analysis is key. If you already have a business idea, research whether there is demand for the products you plan to offer. Tools such as Google Trends, the Keyword Surfer plug-in or the Google Ads keyword planner can be useful in assessing market potential. Consider whether you can compete effectively in the market in a relatively short period of time (e.g., a few months to a year). If large companies dominate an industry, you may want to consider less competitive products. As an example, you may find it difficult to stand out in the home appliances and consumer electronics market, where there are big players. A better choice may be a sector with growth potential where competition is still low, as was the case with the CBD products market after the legislative changes.

Specializing in specific niches does not preclude you from expanding your store's offerings in the future. Once you have built brand recognition, you can introduce related products that will interest regular customers and attract new ones.

Establishing a company

Do you have to register a business? No, it is not necessary to establish a business, unless you are dealing with one of the exceptional categories not covered by the exemption, but unless you are trading online in precious stones or precious buckthorn, you can probably start your dropshipping adventure on an unregistered business. However, it is worth starting your own business adventure early enough to build a professional brand image online.

Find dropshipping wholesalers to buy goods from

When choosing a wholesaler that will be crucial in the order fulfillment process, it is crucial to decide on a trusted business partner. To evaluate potential suppliers, it is recommended to order and test some of their products. This will allow you to verify the quality of the goods and the speed of delivery.

It is necessary to ask the wholesaler a number of questions before concluding a contract:

  • Is it possible to receive discounts?
  • What is the procedure for returns and complaints?
  • How fast are orders processed?
  • What kind of delivery options are available?
  • Is personal pickup offered?
  • Are deliveries insured?
  • Can they provide references?
  • How does the billing process work - are charges billed immediately after an order is placed, or is a summary invoice issued at the end of the month?

Choosing the right supplier is key. You can choose to work directly with a manufacturer, which can mean higher profits due to the lack of middlemen, or with a wholesaler that specializes in dropshipping. There are many directories of wholesalers from various sectors available online, often on sites that offer subscription services and integrations with wholesaler systems. When you choose a wholesaler, you have the advantage of usually working with a variety of manufacturers, which allows you to offer a wide range of products. Also conduct a thorough internet search and check out Facebook groups dedicated to wholesalers and dropshipping.

When setting the terms of cooperation, don't forget to negotiate prices. Wholesaler offers often depend on the volume of turnover generated by the store and the length of cooperation, which means that new dropshippers may face lower margins.

Post products in the online store

If you already have a clear idea of what you want to offer and which suppliers you will cooperate with, it is time to design and launch your online store. It will act as a digital showcase for your business, allowing you to continuously promote your products. There are many e-commerce platforms available, and when choosing one, you should pay attention to aspects such as the platform's functionality, its ability to comply with SEO guidelines from Google, and the ease of integration with wholesaler systems.

For example, the SkyShop platform offers integration with 489 wholesalers and manufacturers. Another popular option is Shoper, while for smaller businesses, WooCommerce may be a good choice. When designing your website, focusing on user experience (UX) is key. Your site should make it easy and intuitive to browse your assortment and place orders, regardless of the device your customer is using.

Internet marketing

Investing in online marketing is a key element for the success of your online store. It should start with a thorough analysis of your competitors' activities, followed by the development of a marketing strategy that will allow your business to stand out and reach potential customers. In order to effectively allocate marketing resources, it is worth experimenting with a variety of promotional channels, measuring their effectiveness and focusing your budget on those that yield the best conversion results. However, it's important to keep in mind that some channels can be profitable in the long run, while others quickly boost sales.

The most commonly used marketing channels are:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for better positioning of the store in search engines,
  • Paid ads in Google Ads,
  • Activities on social media platforms,
  • collaboration with influencers,
  • email marketing,
  • affiliate (partner) programs,
  • video marketing,
  • presence on marketplace platforms.

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What is the process of integrating my online store with a dropshipping wholesaler?

Integrating your online store with your wholesaler's system is key to streamlining the product management process. With this feature, you can automatically import and update product information, such as descriptions, photos and technical specifications, which translates into significant time and resource savings. E-commerce platforms vary in the frequency of stock updates - this can range from a few to several times a day. This allows customers to order only those products that are actually available in the wholesaler's warehouse. If a product is not available in the wholesaler's warehouse, the online store can either hide the product or display it with a note that it is temporarily unavailable.

Many shopping platforms also allow integration with Allegro. However, it is important to remember to optimize for search engines, such as Google, especially if you want to rank highly for specific product phrases, such as "light spelt flour." It's worth ensuring that product descriptions are unique and, if possible, that images are original. Since physical access to products is limited, creative modifications to the images provided by the manufacturer, such as changing the background or mirroring, can be a good solution. However, check that the manufacturer does not restrict the ability to make changes to product content and graphics.

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Is dropshipping legal?

Dropshipping is a fully legal form of business, used by many online entrepreneurs - you may even use such stores frequently. As with other forms of business, it requires compliance with a number of legal obligations, such as keeping accounting records, accounting for income tax, paying social security contributions and others.

In addition, every online store must include the following information on its website:

  • Company identifiers: name, address, tax ID number and contact information,
  • regulations for the operation of the store,
  • privacy policy and cookie handling,
  • RODO information,
  • rules on returns and complaints,
  • appropriate checkboxes in order and contact forms.

In order to protect your business from potential problems, it is also worthwhile to consult a lawyer to develop a contract with the supplier that will precisely define the terms of cooperation.

How to set up an online dropshipping store? - dropshipping store summary

Dropshipping how to get started? Setting up an online store in the dropshipping model and dropshipping in practice requires several steps. Here's a recap of the how-to guide:

1. Choosing a niche

  • Research the market: find products that are in demand but have limited competition.
  • Passion and knowledge: choose a niche that you know and are passionate about.

2. Competitor analysis

  • Check out what your competitors are doing, what products they offer, and find ways to stand out.

3. Supplier selection

  • Research: Find reliable suppliers that offer dropshipping.
  • Testing: order products for yourself to test their quality and delivery time.
  • Negotiations: Talk to suppliers about terms of cooperation.

4. Business registration

  • Register a business if you plan to operate a store on a larger scale.

5. Creating an online store

  • E-commerce platform: choose a store platform, such as Shopify, WooCommerce, or PrestaShop, that allows easy integration with vendor systems.
  • Design: Make sure your store has a professional look and intuitive navigation.
  • Supplier integration: Set up automatic product and inventory updates.

6. Legal settings

  • Prepare store regulations, privacy policy, information on returns and complaints.

7. Marketing and promotion

  • SEO: Optimize your store for search engines.
  • Social media: actively promote the store on social media.
  • Paid advertising: Consider advertising campaigns on Google Ads and Facebook.
  • Content marketing: Create valuable content to attract potential customers.

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8. Customer service

  • Provide quality customer service, including responding quickly to inquiries and resolving issues efficiently.

9. Monitoring and optimization

  • Regularly analyze the results and optimize your marketing efforts and store assortment.

Remember that success in dropshipping takes time, patience and constant adjustment of strategies to changing market conditions. Start small, but think about growing and scaling your business.

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