Internet marketing
What emails to send to inactive customers?

What emails to send to inactive customers?

What emails to send to inactive customers?

In today's fast-changing e-commerce world, maintaining customer loyalty is as important as gaining new customers. We all face the challenge of increasing engagement with customers who have become inactive for various reasons. However, renewing relationships with inactive customers can be difficult if you don't know where to start. One of the most effective tools in this situation is email communication, which, if well planned and executed, has the potential to not only bring “dormant” customers back into the store, but also increase their loyalty and lifetime value. In this article, we'll take a look at what types of emails can be sent to inactive customers to effectively reactivate their interest in your offerings and encourage repeat purchases.

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E-commerce customer service

In today's world of e-commerce, where competition is fierce and customers have countless options to choose from, customer service has become a key brand differentiator. Good e-commerce customer service not only increases customer loyalty and satisfaction, but also contributes to increased sales and a positive brand image online. In this context, it is crucial to understand that e-commerce customer service goes beyond the simple exchange of emails or chatting. It encompasses a wide range of activities, such as personalizing the shopping experience, resolving issues quickly and efficiently, providing convenient delivery and return options, and maintaining active communication with customers at various stages of their shopping journey.

Effective customer service in e-commerce requires companies to use modern technologies such as artificial intelligence, chatbots, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems to better understand customer needs and tailor the purchase path to them. Another important aspect is attention to the quality and accessibility of content - from accurate product descriptions, to helpful blog articles, to video tutorials and frequently asked questions (FAQs). All of this, combined with fast and friendly communication, creates a solid foundation for building long-term relationships with customers in the digital space.

In this article, we'll take a look at what strategies and tools work best for e-commerce customer service, what are the new trends in the field, and how you can use them to effectively differentiate your brand from the competition.

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Who are inactive e-commerce shoppers

Inactive e-commerce shoppers are those who have made a purchase or registered with an online store in the past, but have not shown any purchasing activity for a long time. These are customers who have stopped opening emails sent to them, do not browse the store's offerings or take advantage of promotions and special offers. Inactivity can be the result of a number of factors, such as a change in interests, not being satisfied with a previous purchase, being attracted by competitors, or simply forgetting about an account with a particular online store.

Identifying and reactivating inactive buyers is an important part of an e-commerce marketing strategy, as the cost of acquiring a new customer is usually higher than the cost of re-engaging an existing one. In addition, customers who have previously made a purchase may be more likely to buy again if they are effectively motivated. Reactivation strategies can include personalized emails, special offers, reminders about abandoned shopping carts, or surveys to understand why a customer has become inactive.

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Why should you encourage customers to return?

Encouraging customers to return to your online store is critical to the long-term success and profitability of your e-commerce business for several reasons:

  1. Cost of acquiring a new customer vs. cost of retaining an existing one: Acquiring a new customer is usually much more expensive than maintaining or reactivating an existing one. Maintaining relationships with existing customers is therefore more cost-effective.
  2. More likely to buy: customers who have already made a purchase in the past are more likely to buy again. They know your brand and have experience with your products, which lowers the barrier to another purchase.
  3. Increase customer lifetime value (LTV): Regular customers bring more value over their life cycle as customers. By encouraging them to return and increasing the frequency of their purchases, you increase the overall value they bring to your business.
  4. Opportunity to personalize and build loyalty: Regular interactions with customers provide an opportunity to better understand their needs and preferences, which allows personalization of offers and communications. This, in turn, builds deeper customer loyalty and satisfaction.
  5. Gaining reviews and referrals: Satisfied customers who return are more likely to share positive reviews and recommend your products or services to their friends, which can result in new customers through referrals.
  6. Optimize inventory and offerings: Ongoing interaction with returning customers provides valuable information about purchase preferences and helps to better manage inventory and tailor offerings to market expectations.

Encouraging customers to return, through, for example, loyalty programs, special offers or personalized communications, is therefore a strategic element in building a sustainable competitive advantage in the e-commerce market.

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How to increase the CLV rate?

Increasing Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is a key goal for any e-commerce business, as it means building long-term and profitable relationships with customers. Here are some strategies to help you increase CLV:

  1. Personalization: Customize your offers and communications to meet individual customer needs and preferences. Use purchase data and site behavior to create personalized emails, offers and product recommendations.
  2. Loyalty programs: Design a loyalty program that rewards customers for repeat purchases and engagement with the brand. This can include loyalty points, exclusive discounts, birthday offers and other benefits.
  3. Excellent customer service: Provide a seamless shopping experience and after-sales support. Fast and efficient customer service, easy returns, and high quality products contribute to customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  4. Post-purchase contact: Keep in touch with customers after they have made a purchase by offering valuable content, tips on how to use the product or news. This gives a sense that the brand cares about the customer even after the sale.
  5. Upselling and cross-selling: Use upselling and cross-selling to increase the value of orders. Offer customers complementary or higher-end products that can meet their additional needs.
  6. Leverage data and analytics: Analyze purchase data to understand what drives customer loyalty and what contributes to higher lifetime value. Adjust your strategy based on the findings.
  7. Community building: Encourage community around the brand through social media, forums or special groups. A strong sense of belonging can turn customers into brand ambassadors.
  8. Optimize the website experience: Provide convenient navigation, fast page loading, intuitive buying processes and mobile responsiveness to make the shopping experience as pleasant as possible.
  9. Education and added value: Offer customers not only products, but also valuable educational content, tutorials, webinars that help build brand perception as an expert in your field.
  10. Responding to feedback: Listen to customer feedback and respond to it - both positive and negative. This shows that the company is open to dialogue and continuous improvement.

Implementation of these strategies will not only increase CLV, but also build a strong, positive relationship with customers, which is the foundation for stable growth of e-commerce business.

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How does marketing automation work for inactive customers?

Marketing automation for inactive customers is the process of using software to automatically identify and engage people who have stopped actively using services or making purchases. Its goal is to encourage these customers to re-engage and purchase. Here's how it works:

  1. Data segmentation: Marketing automation systems analyze the customer database to identify those who have not made a purchase or interacted with the brand for a certain period of time. Criteria for inactivity can vary, such as no purchases in the last 6 months.
  2. Personalization of communications: Based on the data collected, the software creates personalized messages that are tailored to the customer's purchase history, preferences and previous interactions with the brand. This makes communications more relevant and more likely to reactivate the customer.
  3. Automatic reactivation campaigns: The system automatically sends a series of personalized emails or SMS messages to inactive customers. These campaigns can include special offers, discounts, news, or survey invitations.
  4. Monitoring and analytics: marketing automation allows you to track responses to messages sent, measuring email opens, link clicks and conversions. This allows you to assess the effectiveness of reactivation campaigns and optimize future actions.
  5. A/B testing: marketing automation tools allow you to conduct A/B testing of different versions of emails, offers or send moments to find the most effective approach to reactivate inactive customers.
  6. Dynamic product recommendations: Systems can also use algorithms to make product recommendations based on previous purchases and products viewed, which can effectively encourage repeat purchases.
  7. Continuous optimization: Based on the data collected from reactivation campaigns, marketing automation systems allow continuous optimization of communication strategies with inactive customers, adapting offers and messages to their changing needs and behaviors.

Marketing automation for inactive customers is an effective tool that, by automating processes, allows you to increase engagement, increase the value of sales, and build long-lasting relationships with customers who might otherwise have permanently left the brand.

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Messages for inactive customers

Messaging to inactive customers is a key component of an e-commerce marketing strategy to reactivate people who have not purchased or interacted with a brand for some time. Here are some examples of messages that can effectively attract attention and encourage inactive customers to buy again:

  1. Brand reminder:
    • Title: “We missed you at [Store Name]!”
    • Content: “We noticed that you visited our store some time ago, but decided not to make a purchase. We would like to remind you that we have a lot of new products for you. Check out what new products we have prepared!”
  2. Special welcome offer:
    • Title: “Special return offer just for you!”
    • Content: “As you haven't been with us for a long time, we have prepared a special offer -20% on your next purchases. Enter the code: WELCOME_BACK when placing an order. Offer valid until [date].”
  3. Personal recommendations:
    • Title: “With you in mind: products that may interest you”.
    • Content: “Based on your previous purchases and reviewed products, we have selected something especially for you. Check out our suggestions!”
  4. Satisfaction Survey:
    • Title: “Your opinion is important to us!”
    • Treść: "Chcemy, aby zakupy w naszym sklepie były dla Ciebie zawsze przyjemnością. Podziel się z nami swoją opinią, co moglibyśmy poprawić. Wypełnij krótką ankietę."
  5. News Release:
    • Title: “Don't miss the latest products at [Store Name]!”
    • Content: “We regularly update our offerings. Here are the latest products that may interest you. Visit us and see what we have prepared!”
  6. Reminder of unfinished purchase:
    • Title: “We noticed that you forgot something in your shopping cart!”.
    • Content: “Are you still interested in [Product Name]? Don't let someone else get ahead of you!”
  7. Message to celebrate a birthday or anniversary:
    • Title: “Happy Birthday from [Store Name]!”
    • Content: “On this occasion we have prepared for you 25% discount on your next purchases. Your discount code is: HAPPYBIRTHDAY.”

The key to successfully reactivating inactive customers is to personalize the message, make a compelling offer and provide added value that will encourage them to re-engage with the brand.

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How to effectively write a message to bring back inactive customers?

In order to effectively bring back the interest of inactive customers, it is crucial to personalize messages, based on an in-depth analysis of their behavior and preferences. Having a sophisticated CRM system or other analytical tools enables you to learn relevant information about your customers, which is the foundation for creating targeted and thoughtful messages. Focusing on aspects such as:

  • Customer inactivity period;
  • Possible reasons for cessation of activity;
  • Products or services that might interest the customer upon re-engagement;

will allow you to construct a message that resonates with the individual expectations and needs of the recipient. Here are sample communication strategies that can help you reconnect with inactive customers:

  • A message reminding you of the brand values: “We see that you haven't visited our store for a while. Is there anything we can do to help you? We would like to remind you that we offer [unique value/brand]. We would like to welcome you to us again!”
  • Special offer addressed individually: “We noticed that some time ago you were interested in [product category]. Especially for you we have prepared an offer - [percent] discount on products in this category. Use the code: [code].”
  • Feedback survey: “We want to be better - your opinion is very important to us. Why did you decide to stop shopping with us? Fill out a short survey and help us improve. In return you will receive [a benefit].”

By keeping these principles in mind, you can increase the effectiveness of your efforts to bring back inactive customers. Personalizing and understanding your customers' needs is the key to building long-term relationships.

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How to write a good news topic?

Writing an effective email subject line is the key to increasing the open rate of your emails. Here are some proven rules to help you create an attention-grabbing subject line:

  1. Be specific and sincere: Avoid generalities. Give recipients a clear reason for opening your message. Example: “Claim your 20% discount by the end of the week!”
  2. Take advantage of urgency and FOMO (fear of missing out): Creating a sense of urgency or fear of missing an opportunity can encourage your audience to act quickly. Example: “Last chance to grab your discount!”
  3. Personalize: If possible, use the recipient's first name or other data that will make the subject line sound more personal. Example: “Jan, we have a special offer for you!”
  4. Benefit to the recipient: Emphasize what the recipient will gain by opening the message. People are more likely to respond when they see tangible value. Example: “Increase your productivity in 5 easy steps!”
  5. Building curiosity: Ask questions or use cryptic statements that build curiosity and encourage people to discover more. Example: “Do you know what mistake you make every morning?”
  6. Short and to the point: The subject line should be short and concise, preferably up to 50 characters, so that it is fully visible in most email clients and on mobile devices.
  7. Avoid spammy words: Words such as “free,” “guarantee” or “risk-free” can result in messages ending up in the spam folder.
  8. Test different versions: A/B testing of topics is a good way to understand which formulations resonate best with your target audience.

Remember that the key is to understand and tailor the topic to your target audience and communication goals. Experiment and analyze which approaches yield the best results.