Internet marketing
MVP - minimum viable product. What is it And how to implement

MVP - minimum viable product. What is it And how to implement

MVP - minimum viable product. What is it And how to implement

What is and how to make an MVP - Minimum Viable Product ?

Don't know if your idea will be successful, will it be profitable ? Will the business model work and gain an audience. In the case of MVP, at a low cost you can build a basic product (website, web portal or application) equipped with only the necessary functionality so that you can verify your business idea. MVP will be effective in gaining customers, however, without the need to implement full functionality at the beginning, it will also allow you to gain the necessary information about your target audience and the chances of business success. Learn what an MVP is and why it will help verify the assumptions for your business.

Table of Contents:

  1. How to start and make a product MVP ?
  2. How to design an MVP website ?
  3. What are the costs of creating an MVP ?
  4. Advantages of making a Minimum Viable Product

How to get started and make an MVP ?

If you're wondering whether your customers will buy your idea, product or service, you don't want to spend a fortune on implementing advanced functionality, it's worth considering doing a beta version of your idea before doing a full-fledged version. It will allow you to convince yourself of the legitimacy of spending more money on your idea.

If you don't know if your product will work

It's worth building a prototype of the idea and exploiting the potential of analytics and user feedback on its performance.

It is often the case that during the advanced development of web portals, a website or dedicated software for your business, we face questions that are difficult to clearly define at the prototyping stage, for example: :

  • Is there anything we haven't covered or that we can carry over to phase 2 of implementation ?
  • What functionalities will actually be needed at launch, and which solutions and ideas can be implemented later ?

How to design an MVP website ?

An MVP can be profitable, useful and provide a lot of valuable customer information. You can build an MVP model using a piece of paper or notepad where you write your basic assumptions, i.e.: the necessary functionality you need to launch a website, portal or application.

Define the basic needs in the MVP

If you don't have a marketing strategy for your business, a cohesive visual identity or an idea for monetizing your product our digital agency is able to help you determine your startup needs. An essential and important factor before undertaking the creation of an MVP is to determine :

  • Why will users want to use it ?
  • What will differentiate your idea from existing similar products on the market ?

Build a target audience and persona for your business

The solution to the basic questions of designing and creating an MVP is to build personas and a target audience. To do this, it is a good idea to do workshops with the potential audience, conduct surveys and research. It is also a good idea to talk to friends and colleagues about their vision for the product.

As a result of the workshop work with the agency, you will know the profile of your customer and how they will want to search for information and use the product. Appropriately designed roles, user levels will be able to visualize the needs of your future Customers in relation to the product you are creating.

In the course of conducting workshops and 'brainstorming', a list of potential questions, problems to be solved, and a list of functionalities to be broken down into priority ones for implementation into the MVP will probably emerge.

See also other types of websites

Examples of questions to ask yourself before creating prototypes for MVPs

  • Who is my potential customer and service recipient ?
  • Which device will he use most often ?
  • Which functionalities are necessary for the basic operation of the product ?
  • How many user roles do we envisage at the start e.g.: administrator, user, editor, editor, B2B customer ?
  • How will we validate people who want to register in the system ?

When creating an MVP, it is worth using the MOSCOV method, i.e.: properly define the necessary areas for the implementation of the idea according to the keys :

  • Must-haves (M),
  • Should-haves (S),
  • Could-haves (C),
  • Will not have (W)

2 iterations and steps in creating an MVP

A base product with limited usability and functionality should be designed and implemented in successive iterations:

  1. Testing implemented solutions, learning and collecting new data
  2. Implement changes collected from users and analytics data,

What are the costs of creating an MVP product

After the workshop stage, creating personas and profiles of the target audience, preparing the initial functionalities of our website or portal, we should receive several quotes from different companies. Any interactive agency will be able to determine the cost of the design, implementation and support of our project on the basis of such a prepared MVP. If you receive quotes, it is worth agreeing on a predetermined budget that you do not want to exceed, then the agency will be able to match solutions and implementation in an optimal way to your MVP product.

Top-down costs defined for MVP construction

However, the cost in the case of creating a portal or website will be cheaper than when it comes to developing mobile applications, here the implementation will have to follow the principles of universality of applications for both iOS and Android users. However, it is often the case that a hybrid solution is possible to implement.

Advantages of making an MVP

In conclusion, in case you are implementing a larger project it is worthwhile to commission an MVP, because you gain:

  • Security and risk reduction of investments,
  • Cost savings,
  • Flexibility in the construction of the basic version,
  • You will test your idea on real users,
  • Time and energy to create a prototype version of your idea,
  • Ability to A/B test different product deployment options

The MVP protects the owner from bad decisions made before the idea is implemented, and the implementation of the basic version itself can give a different view of your idea because, when subjected to evaluation by real users, it can cause a change in the perception of the problem your product will solve.

What is an MVP for your business ?

The MVP product concept allows you to collect data, it is a prototype for your idea.

Minimum Viable Product allows to verify the assumptions and direction of further development of the application, portal or website.

In addition, MVP gives the opportunity to test the business in real life minimizing the risk of losses, gives the opportunity to find a niche and a business opportunity.

Building an MVP is an iterative process during the prototyping stage and in a workshop model during the creation of its usability.

The profitability of an MVP and its success depends on the value and understanding of users' needs, and these can be very easily checked at the basic concept stage.