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How to automate A/B testing in marketing?

How to automate A/B testing in marketing?

How to automate A/B testing in marketing?

In e-commerce, every user movement and transaction made matters. Therefore, entrepreneurs in this industry are constantly looking for ways to improve their strategies in order to achieve satisfactory results. Sales results are much higher when businesses thoroughly understand their customers' needs and expectations, and then effectively tailor marketing content to them.

In order to get closer to the ideal in customer communication management - which, let's assume, is only achievable to a good approximation due to the constant evolution of consumer behavior - the use of A/B testing is crucial. Although consumer preferences and behaviors are constantly changing, systematic experimentation with different options allows the most effective solutions to emerge. This article will remind you what A/B testing is all about, highlight its importance, and show you how to make it more effective through automation.

table of contents:

What is an A/B test

A/B testing is an experimental method to compare two variants, such as a website, call-to-action (CTA) button, advertisement or email campaign. The goal is to understand the preferences of the target audience, identify attention-grabbing content and use the resulting data to increase conversion efficiency.

This makes it possible to make more informed decisions and implement optimizations. With A/B testing, based on reliable data, it is possible to target marketing activities so that they increase the chance of better sales results.


In A/B testing, you analyze two variations that differ by only a single factor. When you intend to evaluate more than one difference, multivariate tests should be used.

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A/B test automation as a marketing optimization strategy

Automation of the A/B testing process brings a number of advantages, perfectly suited to the requirements of the e-commerce industry, including:

Reduce time effort. Instead of preparing tests manually, you just need to set the appropriate parameters in the automation tool, and the rest of the procedure takes place automatically, saving valuable time.Increase precision. Using automation tools, we eliminate the risk of human error, making the data and results obtained more reliable and credible.Scalability. The tool automatically adapts to a growing number of users and larger testing requirements, without requiring additional time and resources, even as the customer base grows.

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Using A/B test automation in marketing strategy - choosing the right tools

When choosing an A/B test automation system, there are several key criteria to consider. First and foremost, the tool should offer easy integration with the e-commerce platform you're operating to enable efficient test execution and monitoring of test results. Integrity with the sales system ensures effective data management and adaptation to a dynamically changing user base.

Equally important is the intuitiveness of use of the chosen tool. Ideally, the interface should be clear and intuitive enough not to require a long period of learning and adaptation. Optimization of time is key here - after all, you don't want to waste it on overly complicated operation.

The financial aspect should also not be overlooked. Determine what budget you are able to allocate for an A/B test automation tool. There are both free solutions on the market, which can completely cover your basic needs, and paid options, usually offered in a subscription model or depending on the size of your database.

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Examples of tools for performing automated A/B tests


It is a platform that enables A/B testing for websites, and offers the possibility of implementing multivariate tests. It is characterized by easy integration with a variety of systems.


It is an advanced and higher-end marketing platform, ideal for larger online stores looking for a comprehensive solution. It allows the implementation of A/B tests, multi-variant tests, website analysis and forms. It is an excellent choice for those who have the financial means to invest in a sophisticated tool.

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Conducting A/B tests: the basic steps

Despite the use of A/B test automation, it is still crucial to determine the objectives of the test and plan further actions based on the data collected. Below are the steps to take:

Stage 1

Determine your goal - consider what priorities are currently critical to you. Do you want to increase your conversion rate, increase your message open rate, or perhaps improve user engagement on your site?

Stage 2

Selecting the item to test - decide which aspects you want to test, such as the timing of the newsletter, the title of the email, the design of the call-to-action (CTA) button, or the images used. Focus on factors that can have a significant impact on your customers' buying behavior.

Stage 3

Create versions for comparison - using the functionality available in the A/B test automation tool, design test versions. Make sure the differences between them are large enough to provide reliable information.

Stage 4

Testing implementation - decide on the length of the test period and the percentage of the target group to be covered. After the end of the testing period, analyze the data obtained and decide on the next campaign activities.

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Indicators you should pay attention to

Analyzing A/B test data for email campaigns requires a detailed examination of several key metrics. Focusing on the Open Rate allows you to understand how attractive the subject line of the message was and whether the timing of the mailing was appropriate. Thus, this indicator provides information about the effectiveness of the recipients' interest.

On the other hand, CTR (Click-Through Rate), or click-through rate, is an indicator of how well recipients responded to an email's content - a higher CTR means that the content was engaging and successfully redirected users to the site.

Most important, however, is the conversion rate, which directly indicates which campaign elements contributed to the final purchase by the customer. Meticulously analyzing this data allows you to fine-tune future campaigns to the preferences of your target audience, thereby maximizing the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and increasing e-commerce profits. With this knowledge, you can better understand customers' purchase motivations and identify the elements that have the greatest impact on purchase decisions.

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A/B testing in online marketing - where can we do it?

Carrying out promotional activities on the web without knowing what actually affects their effectiveness can be ineffective. Therefore, consider testing a variety of strategies and campaign elements.

Google Ads offers tools for experimenting with campaigns, making it easier to identify those changes that make a real contribution to marketing goals. Campaign experimentation can be key to optimizing efforts and increasing ROI.

When we are unsure which aspects of a landing page appeal most to our audience, Google Optimize can be an invaluable support. This free tool allows you to run tests on your landing page, offering insights into user preferences and their reactions to changes.

In the case of Facebook Ads campaigns, A/B testing is an indispensable tool for matching ad content, rates and overall strategy to the expectations and needs of our target audience. This makes it possible to create a near-perfect campaign that effectively increases reach and conversions.

Analyzing each of these tools in more detail, it is worth highlighting their unique capabilities for conducting A/B tests. The proper use of these tools can significantly affect the optimization of marketing efforts, a more accurate understanding of our audience's preferences and, consequently, the effectiveness of the campaigns we conduct. Let's take a closer look at the potential of Google Ads, Google Optimize and Facebook Ads in the context of A/B testing to better understand how they can support the achievement of marketing goals.

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A/B tests in Google Ads - how to perform them?

Meeting marketing goals with limited resources requires precision and efficiency, which makes A/B testing in Google Ads an invaluable tool. In a situation where we are not sure which actions will achieve the desired results, it is worth investing in experiments. Experiments in Google Ads allow in-depth analysis and comparison of different variants of campaign settings under controlled conditions. This allows us to examine exactly how individual changes affect the results of our advertising efforts, allowing us to use our marketing budget more purposefully and efficiently.

Google Ads Experiments

Within the Google Ads platform, experiments are an effective way to conduct A/B tests, which are extremely useful for optimizing ad campaigns. These experiments allow you to see how various modifications to your campaigns - both on the search network and the ad network - will affect their effectiveness without disrupting the original campaign. A key step is to create a draft version of the campaign, which forms the basis for future experiments. Various changes are made to this draft version, which can then be implemented in the original campaign or tested under controlled experimental conditions.

Thanks to the precise configuration of the parameters of the experiment - such as the duration and the percentage of the budget allocated to the experiment - marketers have a unique opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of the introduced changes under real conditions, without risking the deterioration of the results of the current campaign. During the course of the experiment, it is possible to closely monitor the results and compare them with those of the baseline campaign. This allows to dynamically adjust the strategy and, in case of success of the experiment, to implement the verified improvements to the main campaign or transform the experiment into a new optimized campaign. This approach enables effective management of advertising campaigns, maximizing their effectiveness and optimizing costs.

Google Ads experiments - what A/B tests we can do

As part of the Google Ads platform, A/B testing provides ample opportunity to experiment with various aspects of a campaign, with the goal of optimizing its effectiveness. When deciding to conduct an experiment, the key is to determine the goal we want to achieve with it and to select the appropriate campaign elements to test that will help us achieve this goal.

Areas that can be A/B tested in Google Ads include a wide range of campaign elements, including but not limited to:

  • Keyword selection and exclusion,
  • Landing page configuration,
  • Ad extensions,
  • CPC rate levels and strategies for setting them,
  • Detailed campaign settings, such as target audiences in terms of demographics, locations, devices,
  • Content and format of ads,
  • Time scheduling of commercials,
  • Targeting options in display campaigns.

The wide range of testable elements allows you to fine-tune your campaigns to meet your business needs and audience expectations. For accurate information on what to test and how to test it, it's always a good idea to visit the Google Ads support page, which offers detailed instructions and advice on creating and managing experiments.

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Google Optimize - A/B testing of landing pages

Google Optimize is a key tool for those who want to effectively perform A/B testing on landing pages and optimize them to increase conversions. It is freely available to test different versions of a website to see how changes affect user behavior and decisions. With an intuitive user experience, Google Optimize eliminates the need to involve developers in the testing process.

Using Google Optimize allows you to compare the effectiveness of different landing pages by randomly assigning them to groups of users. It also makes it possible to precisely define the goals of the experiment and the extent of traffic to be included in it. The tool provides continuous monitoring of the experiment's progress and indicates optimal solutions.

The most common A/B tests in Google Optimize involve comparing two or more versions of the same page, one of which is the original (version A) and the other contains some modifications (version B). These modifications may concern a specific element or the overall design of the page. However, it is recommended that the modifications within a single test should focus on one aspect in order for the results to be reliable.

Using Google Optimize allows us to accurately analyze which version of the site better engages users and brings more conversions. Ultimately, with this knowledge, we can adjust our landing page in Google Ads campaigns, leading to better advertising results. Combined with the results of experiments conducted with Google Optimize, A/B testing is a powerful optimization tool that can significantly impact e-commerce success.

Facebook Ads - A/B comparison tests

On Facebook, too, it is possible to thoroughly test and optimize campaign settings to identify the most effective ones. This platform allows us to check different versions of ad texts, graphic creations, as well as test ad locations, rates or specific target groups. By comparing different configurations within a single campaign, we have the opportunity to identify which solutions work best for us.

Using A/B testing on Facebook not only allows us to manage our advertising budget more effectively. This approach also gives us a deeper understanding of our target audience's preferences, which allows us to reduce the cost of future campaigns by better matching them.

Prior to Facebook testing, it is crucial to determine exactly what you want to study and how you want to compare it. The variables to be tested can cover a wide range of aspects, but it is important to focus on analyzing the impact of one specific change in a campaign within a single test, which will make it easier to infer its effectiveness.

To conduct an A/B test on Facebook, in addition to a commitment of time and budget, it is necessary to have a base campaign that will serve as a reference point for the variations to be introduced. Tests can be carried out manually by creating two identical campaigns and making specific changes to one of them (e.g. ad content, CTA button, graphics, lead ads form, target group, ad location). It is also possible to use automatic split testing (A/B testing), which significantly facilitates the comparison process.

Facebook Ads – split tests

Benchmark tests, also known as split tests, offer a simple and effective way to conduct marketing experiments, but their scope of possibilities is somewhat limited. To initiate them, all you need to do when creating a new Facebook ad campaign is check the “create a comparison test” option and specify the aspects you want to analyze. The process is fully automatic.

Once the test is completed, the results - indicating the preferred version by Facebook's algorithm - are sent directly to our email address. This method of selection is reliable, as it is based on an advanced simulation performed by Facebook's system. However, it should be remembered that automatic A/B testing is limited to analyzing only certain variables, such as targeting of the target audience, optimization of content delivery or location of ads. In addition, the use of this method involves meeting certain requirements regarding the minimum budget and duration of the experimental campaign.

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Search Ads 360

Until the end of October 2018, Search Ads 360 offered the ability to implement landing page tests. This feature allowed the selection of alternative pages for specific keywords or ads, with the option to adjust rates. The purpose of such tests was to compare the effectiveness of different landing pages in terms of conversions, based on a randomly selected group of users. Through these experiments, marketers were able to identify the websites with the highest ROI, optimizing the targeting of traffic to the most effective ones.

As of October 30, 2018, Search Ads 360 has begun to place more emphasis on the use of parallel tracking, meaning that users are directly redirected to a landing page from an ad, while counting clicks is done “behind the scenes.” As a result, it is recommended to implement A/B testing of landing pages directly in draft versions of campaigns or via Google Ads to further optimize campaign performance.